The Battlefield 2042 open beta runs from 6 October to 9 October 2021. Open the game page by visiting the Epic Store, at the bottom of the page you can find the option to download the open beta and start pre-loading.If you’re playing on Steam, head to the game’s store page and scroll down to see the Open Beta section. There you will find the battlefield 2042 Open beta, select that from the menu and start downloading. Open the game by visiting the PS store on your PS5 or PS4, now head over to the three dots beside the buy button or learn more button. You need to request access that will be granted to all the players, but depending on your pre-order or subscription you can join the server. Open the battlefield 2042 game on the Steam store, and on the middle part of the page below the ultimate edition, you will find the option to request access to the open beta.

Below you will find different platforms from where you can download the open beta. If you have already purchased the game or have EA play membership activated, you will be able to play the open beta 2 days before everyone else gets access to it. Below you will find out how to download the open beta and preload the game.

The preload starts on Oct 5th but there is no listing of it on any store, so new players might get confused as to where to download the open beta and pre-load the game, so you can try it out as soon as the beta starts. Those of you who have not purchased the game can try out the open beta on 8th Oct and 9th Oct. If you purchased any version of the game battlefield 2042 you are eligible to try out the beta access that will start from Oct 6th to Oct 9th. But the release date has been extended to 19th November, but players who have already pre-ordered the game can try out the open beta. The game was all set to release on 22nd October 2021 and fans from all over the world are eagerly waiting to try out the latest battlefield game. Battlefield 2042 is a third-person shooter game developed by DICE.